Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

sorry not blogging for a looong time. hope I can start blogging soon :)

Rabu, 14 September 2011

kenapa harus kata?

kalo nggak usah pake ngomong
semua udah tersampaikan
asik kali ya?

nggak usah pusing mikir
kata apa
tempat mana
situasi apa
yang paling tepat

biar nggak salah paham
biar nggak salah sangka

supaya nangkepnya yang saya maksud 'ini', bukan 'itu'
padahal hati ini terus teriak 'itu'
tapi sebenernya saya diam-diam berharap
suatu saat ada yang bisa nebak
kalo maksud saya ya 'itu'

apalagi saya

"sometimes words kill the real meaning of the sentence"

Jumat, 09 September 2011

they changed their mind or it just their world that change?

years ago,
she wrote that there's no thing such a 'forever after' love
that relationship is only another way to hurt people
that she believed that every single thing will over, and no exclude for love
and she was okay with the fact that she was single
and oh actually she was happy for that
but then she meet him
in all that sudden, she believe in love
and she wish for a forever lasting relationship
and suddenly feel that without him, time is killing her softly
forget that she was always fine to be alone before 

they changed their mind or it just their world that change?

he was always a man with principle
he said he like a chubby girl
said that there is no way he is gonna date a girl without hijab
'note that!' he said to his friends to showed his sureness
but then he meet her
not only she doesn't wear hijab, her cheek is also sunken
then he said to his new girlfriend  "I like girl with sunken cheek the most"

they changed their mind or it just their world that change?

she is a stubborn girl
so stubborn that she was not even melt when those guys who tried to impress her
"I was already commited not to have a relationship until I graduated"
"I am not interested in romance right now"
"I wanna focus in my study,religion,family and life"
"I don't want a boyfriend in my age ,especially if he study in the same place as me"
these are just a few from million answers she gave to every boy who begging to be hers
but then she meet him
and suddenly her commitment, study, family and the other stuff is not really matter as it was before
she suddenly can't see that not only he is at the same age as her, he is also her college mate

they changed their mind or it just their world that change?

I  dont wanna accuse them
say they are kind of liars or what
because maybe someday I am gonna face what they had face and know what it feels like
or maybe not
well for now, all I can do is just wondering

they changed their mind or it just their world that change?

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

what should I do? what should I say?

I am not fear of loneliness
how could I when GOD and family, friends ,everybody whose sent by GOD always there by my side

I am not chasing happiness
what should I chase when the happiness itself surrounds me all the time

It just, I can't stand it anymore
to see their broken face
those who suffering from unrequited love

 what should I do? what should I say?

when they try their best to made me happy
and all I can do is pretend so I am not going to hurt any feelings
but still, in the end I am gonna hurt them even more
no matter how hard I tried not too

 what should I do? what should I say?

when they desperately asked
' what do you want? '
' what are you searching for? '
' what are you waiting for? '

how could I say
 'all I want is love that coming from god'
how could I say
'what I am search is imam who can lead me in this life and afterlife'
how could I say
' I am waiting for YOU! the one who already decided by GOD to  became my fate even before I was born'

how could I say that if you are even not here yet?

I know GOD has plans
and 'WAIT!' means the best time is yet to come
so I am gonna wait, patiently

but during all that time
please tell me...

 what should I do? what should I say?

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

sayangnya itu 'atau' bukannya 'dan'

sayangnya itu 'atau' bukannya 'dan'
yang menjadikan mimpi tetap abadi menjadi mimpi

sayangnya itu 'atau' bukannya 'dan'
yang membuatku teringat minyak dan air setiap waktu
minyak tetaplah minyak dan air tetaplah air sekeras apapun berusaha melebur

sayangnya itu 'atau' bukannya 'dan'
yang berdiri dengan pongah diantara  harapan, kepercayaan, bahagia, cinta, cita

sayangnya itu 'atau' bukannya 'dan'
yang memisahkan aku.. kamu...

terinspirasi dari pasangan beda agama paling mengharukan yang pernah kukenal*

I just wanna be a good listener

yaampuuuun udah lama bener nggak ngunjungi blog satu ini
pasti pada miss me somuch yaa :*

heem kalo diibaratkan rumah, mungkin udah nggak jelas ini rumah manusia yang melihara laba-laba atau laba-laba yang melihara manusia

kayak gini contohnya

hiiy kok jadi serem..

okee kembali ke topik
intinyaa.. blog tercintah ini perlu lebih sering lagi dirawat dan dikunjungi
sebenernya bukannya gak pernah buka blog sih, malah hampir tiap ngenet selalu buka blog tapi cuma jadi blogger super pasif aja yang cuma blogwalking kemana-mana tapi nggak pernah nulis bahkan satu comment pun


eh bukannya nggak suka nulis lho ya,suka banget malah
nih buktinya tumblr ku banyak post annya kok (padahal kebanyakan hasil ngereblog mehehe)

aku emang orangnya agak susah buat mengumbar semua pahit getir kehidupan ke semua orang
apa ya, berasa rugi aja kalo orang lain tau banget tentang hidup kita sementara kita nggak tau apa-apa tentang hidup mereka
ibaratnya orang lain liat kita telanjang bulat tapi mereka sendiri pake baju lengkap, its not fair!
makanya kalo ngobrol terutama sama orang yang baru kenal, biasanya aku bisa tau 40%-80% tentang mereka sedangkan mereka bahkan nggak tau apa-apa tentang aku

lha kok bisa gitu?
kuncinya cuma be a good listener!

kupingnya nggak nyante amat

sejauh ini sih banyak banget manfaatnya. bisa nambah pengalaman, tau gimana harus bersikap apa dengan orang yang berbeda-beda itu dan yang penting jadi tau mereka beneran tulus nggak berteman sama kamu

kalo jadi nggak eksis gimana dong?
nggak usah takut dimana-mana manusia selalu suka didengarkan. justru, manusia lebih mudah nyaman sama orang yang mendengarkan daripada yang ngomong terus
toh kalo mereka beneran tertarik, mereka pasti bakal tanya-tanya ke kamu kok kan jadi ketauan siapa yang beneran intersest siapa yang enggak

nah terus ini ngapain, ngomong panjang lebar tentang good listener segala?
ehehem.. jadi intinya blog ku tersayang, aku nggak ninggalin kamu kok.. aku cuma berusaha jadi good listener ke blogger lainnya jadi jangan marah yaa :) #alasan #dilemparpanci

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

happy ?

                                                what if I am already happy just the way I am?

should I still listen what they said?

should I talk the way they talk?

should I do every single thing they do?

should I think every thing they thought?

and change the way I love to say, talk, behave and think

just because they say that’s the way to be the happiest people in the world

unfortunately, in their version …

… not mine

 silly huh?

Senin, 29 November 2010

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010


God made me so  BEAUTIFUL so you would be attracted to me
 but God made me so  STUPID so I would be attracted to you 

when you say "LEAVE ME ALONE !!!"

Sometimes we think we want to disappear, 
but all we really wanted is TO BE FOUND

from : The Love Story in twitter